Partnering together to proclaim Christ

Pastors learn to preach Christ from the Old Testament through our partnership in God's mission.

During the month of August, I visited six wonderful churches—Union Baptist, Hardin Baptist, Mt. Pleasant Baptist, Mt. Tabor Baptist, First Baptist Fulton, and City Light. Each church I visit is filled with unique children of God who have either supported Gospel Life over the past several years, or who are prayerfully considering joining us in what God is doing.

The miles I travel and the number of people I encounter remind me of how much bigger the work of missions is than me, or even than Gospel Life. This is God’s mission, and he will use his people to accomplish it according to his perfect plan. What a blessing it is to partner together in God’s work!

Josh preaching at our home church, Hardin Baptist.

Pastor Dallas teaches Old Testament

Over the last two weeks, Pastor Dallas Goebel, Christian Witt, and Clark Hinkson of Burton Memorial Baptist Church have been in Malawi to bless the pastors there. Pastor Dallas taught Old Testament II at both of our campuses. Through Dallas’ teaching, our pastors will better be able to show their people Christ from the Old Testament.

In the afternoons, Isaac taught the pastors about Islam and how to share the gospel with muslims. Both of these topics—Old Testament and Islam—served to remind pastors of the uniqueness and beauty of Jesus, whom we proclaim.

Pastor Dallas teaching at our Lower Shire campus.

Continuing Day Camps and Mobile Medical Clinics

Over the next month, the team in Malawi will continue to work hard to expose as many people as possible to the gospel of Christ. Our nine day camp teams continue to travel throughout their districts to share the gospel with young people. They will wrap up their work at the end of September.

Our partners, Eric and Stephanie Chapman, are now in Malawi to lead mobile medical clinics. This week they are traveling throughout the Lower Shire to some of our most medically needy places. Later in the month, they will continue the clinics in other areas, including the Thyolo district, where our clinics have been used to start new churches. Pray for our team this month as they labor for the gospel.

Pastor Dallas teaching at our main campus in Zomba.

Prayerfully Consider Giving

Over the next few months, many churches will prepare their budgets for the following year. If you are involved in leading your church through this process, would you prayerfully consider partnering with Gospel Life for the first time, or increasing the amount of your regular giving?

Inflation has affected us all, but inflation has been more extreme in Malawi than in the US. Many of our regular expenses, such as basic food items, have almost doubled in price. While we constantly seek ways to cut expenses and make your gifts stretch as far as possible, we also ask that you prayerfully consider giving for the first time or increasing your gifts, whether as a church or a family.

Upcoming Visits

Picture of Joshua Hutchens

Joshua Hutchens

Joshua Hutchens (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the president of Gospel Life as well as Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Missions at Overland Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. With a heart devoted to spreading the gospel, Joshua, alongside his wife Stacy Leigh and their five children, dedicated six years to serving in Malawi before returning to the United States, where he continues to lead Gospel Life.

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