publishing biblical teaching for global pastors


The Bible Guidebook


When you set out on a new adventure, it’s essential to pack a guidebook that will help you along your way.

In The Bible Guidebook, biblical scholar and missionary Dr. Joshua Caleb Hutchens helps you to set out on the journey of studying the Bible. The Bible Guidebook introduces you to this book we call the Bible and helps you learn how to study it for yourself. He also gives you the basic historical and theological information you need to make sense of God’s word including information about ancient world history, each book of the Bible, and special topics like the tabernacle and the apocrypha.

Whether you are starting out on the journey yourself or guiding others along the way, The Bible Guidebook is the resource you need to understand the basics in a simple yet challenging way.

Foreign Language Versions


The Bible Guidebook is an amazingly comprehensive guide to the history, interpretation, theology, and message of the Bible. It is enormously helpful to have brief summaries of the basic message of the entire Bible. I am grateful to Joshua Hutchens for this useful resource, and I pray that it will be used on the mission field and in churches around the world.
Thomas R. Schreiner
Author of The King in His Beauty and commentaries on Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews
Professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
The Bible Guidebook provides an excellent introduction to the world of Christian Scripture for the global church. Part hermeneutics textbook and part Bible survey, this accessible book invites Christians everywhere to hear God’s word in all its life-transforming and church-building power. This resource is a ready tool for those on the front lines to make much of Christ to the ends of the earth.
Andrew M. King
Editor of Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College

About Gospel Life Press

Gospel Life Press publishes books written for global pastors. Most pastors around the world have very limited access to biblical training. Many do not have a clear understanding of the gospel and are easy prey for the wolves of heretical movements like the prosperity gospel. Their biblical and theological knowledge is limited to what they may have heard at a conference or on the radio and television. We publish books that will give global pastors the basic knowledge they need to faithfully serve the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to communicate basic truths simply and clearly as well as to avoid discussions and illustrations that only make sense in a North American or European context.

You can trust what you read.

All of our books come from our specific theological identity at Gospel Life. We are orthodox Christian, Protestant, Evangelical, and Baptist.

  • Orthodox Christian. We hold to the orthodox Christian faith concerning the Trinity and the person of Christ as summarized in the Apostles’, Nicene, and Chalcedonian Creeds.
  • Protestant. We hold to the Protestant distinctives of justification by faith alone, the sufficiency of Scripture, and radical corruption.
  • Evangelical. We hold to the Evangelical distinctives of biblical inerrancy, the exclusivity of the gospel, and the necessity of gospel proclamation.
  • Baptist. We hold to the Baptist distinctives of regenerate church membership, believer’s baptism, autonomy of the local church, religious liberty, and perseverance of the saints.

Within this theological identity and with careful attention to the text of Scripture, we hope to produce books that communicate the essentials to the pastors of the world and help them to preach faithfully to the congregations they shepherd. Of course, by doing this, we hope that our books will also be found useful by Christians everywhere, whether in a Sunday School class in the United States, a jungle village in Papua-New Guinea, or our training centers in Malawi.

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