The Lord has been incredibly kind to continue and advance our work in Malawi over the past two months. I look forward to getting back to Malawi in 2025 and encouraging our team there.
As we’ve come back to the U.S., I am incredibly thankful for each of you that have continued to pray for and give to Gospel Life so that we can continue to teach God’s word and share the gospel in Malawi and, as you will read, even in Mozambique.

Shepherds Academy Relaunches
In August, Isaac relaunched Shepherds Academy by meeting with 76 pastors, church leaders, and ministry leaders in Kim village between Zomba and Lake Chilwa. Isaac taught from Monday to Friday on How to Study the Bible.
These ministry leaders travelled from long distances and arranged for their own food and housing in order to meet in a public school building and learn about God’s Word. We provided the teacher and the materials.
I am confident that this new model of Shepherds Academy will be more cost effective and able to bless many more churches than ever before! Pray for Isaac as he plans separate programs in the future for men and women, and as he seeks the Lord’s leadership to establish more training sites.

Meeting Pastors in Mozambique
More recently, Isaac went on an exploratory trip into Mozambique. He met with pastors who lead their churches in Chichewa even though that is the third or fourth language of many of the people in the villages where they meet. They do this because it is difficult for them to find Bibles and song books in local languages or in Portuguese, which they learn in school.
The pastors in this area of Mozambique were eager to get Shepherds Academy training also since most have very little understanding of the Bible, and many do not even have their own copy of the Bible.
In 2025, we hope to do more for these churches in Mozambique. Pray for God’s leadership.

College Ministry
Unity Bible Church has spent the last few weeks engaging new college students on the campus of the University of Malawi. Several have expressed interest in joining the church’s college Bible studies or having deeper conversations about Christ. One way UBC has been engaging young people is through handing our free books on campus. In coming days, we will be preparing a shipment of quality, biblical resources to send to UBC to help their work.
Shepherds Academy in English
Begin praying for a new endeavor coming November 13–15. Pastor Maya from UBC and Isaac will be hosting 25 pastors, pastoral interns, and young men called to ministry in Zomba for our first Shepherds Academy in English. These 25 men come from primarily urban, English-speaking churches, which just like village churches need to grow to greater health.
In our first conference, Maya and Isaac will be covering the doctrine of the church, preaching, and pastoral ministry.