Seek first the kingdom of God

God's kingdom must always come first in our prayers and in our hearts (Matt 6:10, 33), and we give evidence to our priorities in the ways we use our time, energy, and money. We give ourselves to what we love.

God’s kingdom must always come first in our prayers and in our hearts (Matt 6:10, 33), and we give evidence to our priorities in the ways we use our time, energy, and money. We give ourselves to what we love.

We love the kingdom of God, and we trust that God will take care of our needs because we seek first his kingdom and righteousness (Matt 6:33). What a blessing it is to partner with others like you who also love God’s kingdom and trust him!

Teaching Current Pastors

In September, we were able to gather the 163 pastors we serve for the first time since February along with 35 of our young residential students. In order to allow for social distancing, we held 4 conferences in 2 locations where our partner Eric Chapman preached while Josh and Isaac taught on Romans 1–4.

In 2021, we will gather these pastors for 6 weeks of modular training. Each week costs $1,250, and we still have 4 weeks that need sponsorship. If you sponsor a week of training, you will have a full room of pastors praying for you that week!

Training Future Pastors

Schools are reopening across Malawi, and the young men of our residential program will be returning on October 26. During this term, they will be studying Systematic Theology, Ephesians, and Religions, Cults & Heresies.

We expect 25 students to return for their second and final year of the program. They will be joined this year by 21 new students.

It costs $30/month or $360/year to send a student to Shepherds Academy, and we have 24 students that need sponsorship. When you sponsor a student, you receive a profile of the young man so you can pray personally for him.

Churches planting churches

With the end of September, our church planting teams came to the end of their three month program. We estimate that these 9 teams preached the gospel to over 5,000 people, and from these efforts, we’ve seen 13 new churches started.

Josh has begun visiting these new churches like the one in Mandolo village in the picture above. These new churches are meeting under trees (or beside a cactus in this case). Nearby pastors will continue to meet with these new churches to help establish them in the truth.

Teaching Women

For several months, Stacy Leigh has been teaching the women of Gospel Life Baptist Church on Wednesday afternoons. The group of about 20 women recently finished a study of spiritual disciplines, and now they are beginning a study about how the gospel affects every area of life.

Mobile Medical Clinics

We’ve begun another round of mobile medical clinics this month to show the compassion of Christ in remote areas and preach the gospel.

We are seeking God’s kingdom. Thank you for seeking it alongside us!

Prayer Points

Picture of Joshua Hutchens

Joshua Hutchens

Joshua Hutchens (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the president of Gospel Life as well as Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Missions at Overland Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. With a heart devoted to spreading the gospel, Joshua, alongside his wife Stacy Leigh and their five children, dedicated six years to serving in Malawi before returning to the United States, where he continues to lead Gospel Life.

Give life through the gospel | Plant. Teach. Serve.