All directors, officers, employees, and volunteers of Gospel Life agree to adhere to Gospel Life’s code of Christian conduct.
I will die to myself and love the Lord Jesus Christ as my supreme treasure.
I will submit to the Bible as the perfect treasure of divine instruction.
I will pursue the Lord Jesus through regular Bible reading, prayer, and other personal spiritual disciplines.
I will serve as an active member of a local church that shares the faith of Gospel Life Global Missions.
I will regularly participate in my local church by attending weekly worship and serving the ministries of my congregation.
I will steward the resources that God has given me—including time, talents, spiritual gifts, and finances—for the service of my church and Christ’s Kingdom.
If I am unable to regularly attend the church of which I am a member, I will either enter into the watch-care of another local church of like faith or transfer my church membership.
I will walk in holiness in all areas of my life as an act of worship to Jesus Christ. I will seek to set an example to other believers in speech, conduct, faith, and purity.
I will pursue financial integrity and will avoid excessive debt.
I will abstain from sexual immorality, which includes (but is not limited to) fornication, premarital sex, pornography, adultery, and homosexual practices. If unmarried, I will practice complete chastity. If married, I will practice complete fidelity within heterosexual and monogamous marriage. I believe that my biological sex at birth is a gift from God, and my gender identity will conform to my biological sex at birth.
I will pursue physical health as a matter of stewardship and will refrain from illegal drug use, drunkenness, and gluttony.
I will pursue brotherly love and will refrain from gossip, strife, and excessive anger. I will be slow to take offense and always be ready for reconciliation, seeking it without delay.
If married, I will faithfully fulfill my role in my marriage and will honor the role of my spouse. A husband is to love his wife by providing for, protecting, and leading the family. A wife is to submit to the servant leadership of her husband by respecting and helping him.
I will seek to preserve the gift of marriage and will avoid divorce, except in such circumstances that are deemed biblical under the counsel of my local church.
I will practice regular family worship and will raise any children that God gives me in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
I will nurture my family and will not unduly neglect my family in pursuit of ministry success.
I will share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the unbelievers that God providentially brings me into contact with.
I will pursue biblical contextualization of the gospel in the cultures to which I minister. I will avoid paternalism, which seeks simply to duplicate the methods and practices of my sending church in a new location. I will avoid pragmatism, which seeks to do whatever gives the greatest perception of ministry success.
I will aspire to integrity and accuracy in reporting ministry activities and statistics.
I will honor and value my co-laborers in the ministry and will respect them regardless of gender, race, nationality, class, or education. I will value each individual as created in the image of God.
I will ensure the safety, health, and welfare of those I labor with and those I serve.
In as much as it falls within my responsibility to utilize ministry resources, I will steward them for the glory of God and the good of the ministry.
I will maintain a high standard of confidentiality and will share sensitive information—both concerning ministry operations and the persons that I serve—only with those who need to know.
I will trust God to providentially provide for my needs and will seek his provision through prayer.
I will not engage in fundraising techniques that would bring Gospel Life Global Missions into disrepute.
I will ensure the accuracy of all communications with donors and will comply with this organization’s mission and statement of faith in such communications.
I have a duty to act in the best interest of Gospel Life Global Missions. This duty-of-loyalty supersedes anything that could result in personal gain by avoiding any conflict of interest or anything that might appear to be a conflict.
I will adhere to and advocate the policies on conflicts of interest found in this organization’s bylaws.
I will report any violations of this code of conduct, this organization’s statement of faith, or bylaws, whether by myself, family members, or others, to the president or a director.
In addition, I will report any potential criminal activity to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
I understand that it is contrary to the values of this organization to retaliate against any director, officer, employee, or volunteer who in good faith reports violations and crimes.
I will adhere to and advocate the policies on whistleblower protection found in this organization’s bylaws.
I will embrace accountability since it is for God’s glory and for my good.
I will submit to the leadership of Gospel Life Global Missions and my local church.